CotEcast #2 – Shownotes

Title: Geriatrics and the GMC

Host(s): Mark Garside (ST7 Geriatric Medicine), Pete Brock (ST3 Geriatric Medicine)

Guest(s): Rachel Woodall (GMC Northern Regional Liaison Advisor)

Opening Question:What is your favourite medical TV show?

Main Topic: Geriatric Medicine, E-Learning, and the GMC

Discussion Points:

  • General state of e-learning resources related to Geriatric Medicine
  • Benefit of GMC site signposting to other resources
  • GMC’s ‘Better Care for Older People’ resource (why & how it was developed, and who it’s aimed at)
  • The use of reflective diaries
  • What could be added/improved in future
  • Most recommended parts of the resource
  • Wider discussion of role of GMC in education and clinical standard-setting (not just ‘fitness to practice’!)

References, Links and Resources:

Better Care for Older People:

Twitter Usernames:

  • AEME: @ElderlyMedEd
  • Mark: @garside80
  • Pete: @petebrock7
  • Rachel: @WoodallRach
  • GMC: @gmcuk

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Geriatrics and the GMC